Initiative Spotlight

LWCC Speaker Series: Daniel Pink Explores the Future of Business

Daniel Pink, a New York Times #1 bestselling author and one of the world’s top business thinkers, takes a look at what’s next for business and the rapidly-evolving workplace, offering 5, scientifically-backed methods to navigate the future with success.

December 8, 2022

Event Recap

As part of LWCC’s Speaker Series, Daniel Pink took to the stage at the Foster Learning Center. His goal: Tell an audience of roughly 200 LWCC policyholders, employees, and agent partners what he believes we will see next in the world of business and how we can prepare.

Daniel’s presentation was tailored specifically to the LWCC audience and included five ways to successfully navigate the future of business and the quickly-evolving workplace. Unsurprisingly for a well-known researcher and writer, each suggestion he offered to the audience was soundly based on scientific research.

Sponsorship dollars raised for LWCC’s Speaker Series are donated to the Louisiana Bar Foundation’s Kids’ Chance Scholarship Program to support its mission of providing educational opportunities to children of Louisiana workers who have been severely injured or killed on the job. The $65,000 donation was made possible through the collaboration of LWCC and its agent and business partners.

5 Ways to Navigate What’s Next

Daniel Pink outlined five essential strategies to effectively navigate the future, focusing on adaptability, purpose, and actionable insights.

Begin a Process Ritual

Cited research shows that employees are happiest on days when they feel they have made progress on meaningful work, but it is also easy to forget or overlook ways in which progress has been made. Make a habit to write down three ways you have made progress at the end of each day.

Carve Out an Island of Autonomy

Creativity thrives in freedom. Some of our best ideas and most impressive work comes not from a structured task or assignment but from boundless opportunity and a lack of restriction. Creating an hour, a day, or more where employees are encouraged to pursue their own ideas outside of existing projects is proven to feed creativity and innovation.

Focus More on Why and Less on How

Performance is at its peak when employees have a stronger connection to the meaning behind the work. In most work environments, there are countless meetings and reminders of HOW the work should be done. Far less common are reminders of WHY. Drive more conversations towards the why and workplace morale and performance will both increase.

Schedule Regular Breaks

Too often, breaks are viewed as a deviation from work when they are, in fact, an integral part of it. In order to structure the most restorative breaks with the greatest positive impact, science has identified five principles:

  • Something beats nothing (a one minute break is better than no break at all)
  • Moving beats stationary (breaks in motion are more restorative than those that are sedentary)
  • Social beats solo (breaks with other people are more restorative than breaks on your own)
  • Outside beats inside
  • Fully detached beats semi-detached (don’t spend your break on your phone)

Employ this Decision-Making Technique

Fear often stands between us and life’s tougher decisions, while regret often makes us look back and wish we had taken the leap. How can we determine which leaps to take and which to avoid? In business, Daniel advises that we ask ourselves, “If I were replaced tomorrow, what would my successor do?” The answer to that question is the course of action you should take.

Taking a Chance for a Better Future

Ultimately, we all want to feel that we’re positively impacting the world around us, particularly through our daily work. As we navigate a changing landscape that includes increased autonomy, less office time, and drastic shifts in methods of communication, we’re also finding that we’re required to take big leaps of faith in order to forge ahead successfully. According to Daniel, those leaps of faith are also essential to our happiness: “All of our regrets begin at a juncture in our lives where we can play it safe or we can take a chance. What I found with a database of 23,000 regrets worldwide is that overwhelmingly - not all the time, but most of the time - people regret not taking the chance.”

“This moment that we’re in is a time for experimenting rather than knowing. What I’m giving you are suggestions to help you figure it out, to find your footing in this very uncertain place, to begin at some level, developing your own strategic plan for what you’re going to do in 2023.”

Daniel Pink

NY Times #1 Bestselling Author and Business Thinker

Impact by the numbers.

Daniel Pink’s business mindset, purpose-driven leadership, and creative problem-solving, offers a transformative framework for driving success. By aligning his insights with the state’s entrepreneurial spirit and cultural richness, businesses can foster environments where autonomy, mastery, and purpose thrive. Daniel’s wisdom can encourage leaders to reimagine strategies for workforce development, innovation, and sustainable growth, empowering industries from technology to tourism to harness their full potential while honoring the state’s unique identity.

31 million views

Daniel Pink’s 2009 TED Talk, “The Puzzle of Motivation” has amassed over 31 million views.

5 best sellers

Five of Daniel Pink’s books that have ranked on the New York Times Bestseller list, selling millions of copies worldwide.

30% increase

Businesses that have adapted Daniel Pink’s strategy and prioritize autonomy, mastery, and purpose have experienced up to a 30% increase in productivity.

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