Celebrating Those Committed to Elevating Louisiana
Louisiana Loyal drives LWCC to elevate Louisiana, but this work cannot be done alone. We celebrate Champions of Louisiana, those equally committed to bettering our home state. We are proud of these fellow citizens and want you to be too.
There is much work to do to elevate Louisiana, but so many are already doing this work well.
A Champion of Louisiana is a person or group serving out of love for Louisiana, its people, and its future, either by contributing to the local economy, or by supporting health and wellness, safety, education, preservation, and other initiatives that contribute to long-term transformational change.

Meet the Champions
Nominate a Champion of Louisiana
Champions of Louisiana are all around us. Their passion for our great state is like no other.
The Ideal Champion of Louisiana is:
An individual, nonprofit, or company
Through their work, hobby, or passion, they are making the future brighter and creating opportunities for our state and citizens
They are passionate about both their efforts and Louisiana
Sharing their story will instill pride in all Louisiana citizens