
Celebrating the individuals, companies, and nonprofits contributing to a brighter future for Louisiana.
Champions of Louisiana are driven by their love for the state, its people, and its future. Their inspiring work is fueled by diverse purposes, yet united by a shared commitment to elevate Louisiana. They’re the change makers with proven records of long-term positive impact and a passion for celebrating what makes Louisiana unique.
Celebrating the Best of Louisiana
Storytelling is innately part of Louisiana’s culture, and we have an abundance of great stories to tell. By elevating the initiatives of the thought leaders helping Louisiana thrive, we provide Champions of Louisiana our platform and resources to share the great work they do. In amplifying their voices, we aim to inspire pride in what Louisiana has to offer and foster a culture of excellence within the state.
Building Community Pride
We believe our state should be admired as much as it is loved. While there are always challenges to face, the work of the Champions proves we have so much to be proud of. Many Champions don't yet consider themselves Champions, and citizens of the state are not aware of the great work being done. We aim to change that.
Inspiring Innovation and Leadership
Champions of Louisiana stories encourage innovation and leadership by showcasing those who are leading change and making significant contributions in various fields. This underscores the importance of forward-thinking and proactive approaches to solving our state’s challenges.