Why Choose LWCC as your Workers’ Comp Insurance Provider?
Our business is Louisiana business. It always has been, since our doors opened in 1992 when we were tasked with saving Louisiana’s then failing workers’ comp market. As a model single-state, private mutual workers’ comp provider, we are dedicated to excellence in execution from underwriting to life-long care of an injured worker. Our commitment is to be there for Louisiana. Always.
Louisiana Thrive
As Louisiana’s largest workers’ compensation carrier, we are able to do more than provide coverage to policyholders. In addition to focusing on the unique needs of Louisiana businesses and workers, we are able to provide safety, security, and stability to elevate our state.
LWCC insures
28.4% of all policies in the Louisiana private market
LWCC has returned
$1.25 Billion in dividends to policyholders since company inception in 1992
LWCC has invested
$518 Million in mortgage securities to support the Louisiana housing market
LWCC has returned
151% of underwriting profits through the dividend program
LWCC has lowered
its overall rates by 62.9% since inception
LWCC promotes
economic growth and stability through the coverage of 20,000 Louisiana businesses
Excellence in Execution
LWCC has the resources to easily provide you with what you need, when you need it. Always.
Online Services
LWCC provides online resources to serve agent partners and policyholders.
CompZone+ provides agents a tool to process new business, renewals, and endorsements with electronic delivery.
LWCC Interactive for agents provides a snapshot of the agency’s book of business with important details and notices about their policies.
LWCC Interactive for policyholders allows for payroll reporting, claim filing, claim status reporting.
Convenient payment options are available online at both lwcc.com and LWCC Interactive.
Lwcc.com offers a wealth of free informational resources.

Safety Services
The only good accidents are those prevented.
LWCC has the largest, most experienced team of specialized safety experts in Louisiana stationed throughout the state
Consultants on Call are available to work directly with policyholders to implement safety practices
Policyholders can access free archived webinars, online safety videos, safety meeting resources, and other safety tools
The Go SafeSM mobile safety training center, online safety courses, and driving simulators provide job-site training for eligible insureds

LWCC’s underwriting team ensures you are getting the coverage you need for the best rates.
LWCC offers competitive pricing for new business and renewals while providing exceptional customer service to business leaders.
Our underwriters specialize in all risk types and are among the most knowledgeable workers’ compensation professionals in Louisiana.
A Special Risk team concentrates on unique or unusual risks that require specialized handling.
Multi-state coverage is available for some Louisiana policyholders with temporary or permanent operations out of state, if no more than 30 percent of the total premium covers exposures under other states’ laws.

In-House Legal & Fraud Units
LWCC provides counsel to its policyholders in workers’ compensation related legal matters.
In-house attorneys specialize in handling state workers’ compensation defense, longshore defense, and employer’s liability defense.
LWCC’s attorneys are dedicated to pursuing subrogation recovery for LWCC and its policyholders, averaging over $2.3 million in recovery per year over the last five years.
Our legal team has an in-house attorney dedicated to Second Injury Fund claims litigation, resulting in significant claims expense reduction.
LWCC’s special investigations unit aggressively fights fraud, which has saved policyholders millions of dollars.

Premium Audit
Audits of policyholders’ premiums ensure businesses are getting the right coverage for the right price.
LWCC’s premium auditors have specialized, in-depth knowledge of the workers’ compensation industry, coverage, and rules.
In-house audit specialists are available for consultation upon request.
Test audits are often conducted for new accounts to help policyholders accurately report and classify their exposure.
Our network of auditors can perform audits in locations anywhere throughout Louisiana or in other states.

Compassionate Care for Injured Workers
LWCC never compromises on the quality of care.
LWCC has paid
$2.75 billion in workers' comp to injured workers
LWCC has overseen
the treatment and return to work of 34,000 injured workers in the last 10 years
LWCC has serviced
186,000 work-related injuries since 1992
Occupational Medicine Network (OMNET)
OMNET is LWCC’s statewide occupational medicine network, the first of its kind in Louisiana.
The network ensures workers have prompt access to 2,000+ doctors, hospitals, home-health providers, physical therapists, and other providers committed to quality medical care and quickly returning injured workers to work as safely as possible.
Claims costs can be contained when working through OMNET.
Medical Services
This expert team includes registered nurses who partner to aid recovery and help employees return to work as soon as possible.
Our experienced staff provides medical opinions and, when necessary, schedules and attends doctor conferences.
Medical Services can provide peer review, when needed, for physicians, physical therapy, and chiropractic care.
This team manages utilization review, pharmacy, and durable medical equipment programs.
Catastrophic Claims Management
LWCC provides specialized services for catastrophic claims.
The staff is on call 24 hours a day.
Worksite counseling is available for employees.
A claims representative is available for face-to-face meetings with the medical team, the injured employee, and family members.
Return to Work Program (WorkAction)
Led by vocational rehabilitation specialists who help injured employees get back to work.
Provides on-site job analysis.
Manages lost work days using OMNET®.
Safety, Security, and Stability
LWCC’s financial stability is strong and assures support for 20,000 Louisiana business and organizations, and 165,000 workers.
Governed by a diverse board of directors that represents various segments of the business and industry.
Led by an experienced executive team.
LWCC has consistently been named to the Ward’s 50® group of top-performing insurance companies.
LWCC has the strongest Louisiana workers’ comp institutional knowledge in the state.
Maintains an “A” (Excellent) Financial Strength Rating by A.M. Best Company.
LWCC has the financial strength and ability to meet very significant capital demands, ensuring our ability to take care of injured workers.
Bettering Louisiana one business and one worker at a time.
Our work stabilized Louisiana workers’ comp insurance and created a competitive market, causing the cost of coverage to decline steadily while enabling more entrepreneurs to start Louisiana businesses. Our focus has been and will always be excellence in execution, from underwriting to life-long care of an injured worker. We have always been Louisiana Loyal. But we are just getting started.