Accidents happen. We're here to help.
Even in a safe workplace, accidents can happen. When they do, reporting them quickly allows for optimal results and engages LWCC’s tailored claims process and robust network of skilled professional and medical providers.
Contact the Claims Department
“My worker is injured. What do I do next?”
Getting injuries reported immediately, even if you do not have all of the necessary information about the claim, is critical. Every hour you delay reporting an injury can negatively impact the injured worker and substantially increase claim costs, which potentially can drive up your premium.
Report a Claim
Getting accidents reported immediately is very important. LWCC offers you several quick, easy ways to report claims. We will take care of the filing requirements and deadlines with state or federal agencies on your behalf.

Ways to report a claim
The fastest way to report your claim is through LWCC’s password-protected website, LWCC Interactive. Simply complete the information about the accident being reported, and we’ll do the rest. Note: If you do not already have an LWCC Interactive login, first you will need to register.
Email is another quick method of claim reporting. Simply fill out the Louisiana Workforce Commission’s Office of Workers’ Compensation’s “First Report of Injury or Illness” (Form LWC-WC-IA-1) and email the report to An LWCC claims service professional will then contact you within 24 hours.
If you prefer to fill out the Louisiana Workforce Commission’s Office of Workers’ Compensation’s “First Report of Injury or Illness” (Form LWC-WC-IA-1), you may fax the report to LWCC. An LWCC claims service professional will then contact you within 24 hours.
Our toll-free, 24-hour Claims Reporting Hotline puts you in touch with a friendly claims service professional who will obtain your information, handle the administrative paperwork, and process the claim for you.

What kind of claim should I report?
To determine what kind of claim you should report, select which statement best describes your claim:
Manage your Claim
Until your employee is back at work, costs can continue to impact your bottom line and your premium. The goal of our claims team is to help you get your employees well and back to work as soon and as safely as possible.

Industry experts committed to providing effective care for injured workers
No two claims are alike in their scope and severity. Our Claims Team specializes in the unique aspects of each claim. They are compassionate industry experts who manage all aspects of a claim, helping minimize waste, reduce claims costs, and return injured workers to work as soon and safely as possible.
Here’s what you can expect from our Claims Team and the services they provide.
Claims Representative
When a claim is deemed compensable, we have a team of experts who specialize in the unique aspects of the claim to handle your employees' medical benefits and lost wages, as well as assist them with returning to work.
Claims Specialists (CS)
LWCC responds to serious or catastrophic claims with specialized services, including representatives on call 24 hours a day. Our Claims Specialists coordinate face -to-face meetings with you, your injured worker, and their family members.
Recovery Specialists
Our Claims Recovery Specialists are experts who pursue at-fault third parties to recoup your claims costs, a process known as subrogation. We also seek reimbursements from the Second Injury Fund.
Medical Services Team
LWCC’s Medical Services Team oversees the medical care of job-related injuries and illnesses and facilitates well-managed care through our occupational medicine network, OMNET®, to minimize lost time and facilitate return-to-work. Our Medical Services Team consist of a Medical Director, as well as registered nurses and other specialists who handle pharmacy and Durable Medical Equipment.
Investigative Claims Representatives (ICRs)
When a more serious claim occurs that warrants the injured worker losing time away from work, or if a claim is questionable, an Investigative Claims Representative (ICR) will become involved. Our investigative claims representatives are trained to conduct thorough, on-site investigations on lost-time claims. The ICR will gather information about the circumstances of the accident, obtain statements from any witnesses, and gather evidence to determine if a claim is compensable.
Get the Best Care for Your Worker
OMNET is LWCC’s statewide occupational medicine network. When your employees use OMNET, they get the best care possible for a faster recovery and return to work, resulting in lower claims cost.

Get Your Worker Back to Work
The key to getting your injured worker back to work is early intervention. LWCC’s return-to-work program, WorkAction, capitalizes on the window of opportunity right after an employee is injured to help create a return-to-work plan that works for you and your employees.
Claims Resources
How to Report a Workers’ Comp Claim
Getting injuries reported immediately, within one hour, even if you do not have all of the necessary information about the claim is critical. Every day you delay reporting an injury can substantially increase claim costs, which potentially can drive up your premium.
Working Together to Help Louisiana’s Workforce Recover & Return to work
LWCC is the smart choice when it comes to managing your claims. We understand that until your employee is back at work, costs can continue to impact your bottom line and your premium. Our claims management services and programs are a benefit of being insured by LWCC.

Second Injury Fund, Subrogation & Recovery
State-administered program that may reimburse part of a claim when an employee with a permanent pre-existing condition is subsequently injured on the job
Encourages employers to hire people with disabilities by reducing financial liability if these employees get hurt on the job and SIF elements are met
May help reduce your experience modifier (E-mod), leading to lower workers’ compensation premiums
Pursues at-fault third parties to reduce claims costs
Seeks reimbursements from the Second Injury Fund
Medical services
Includes registered nurses
Manages utilization review, pharmacy, and durable medical equipment programs
Works to facilitate treatment & help employees return to work
Collaborates with claims representatives on medical issues, and attends doctor conferences
Provides peer review, when needed, for physicians, physical therapy, and chiropractic care
Legal Services
In-house law firm providing counsel to LWCC policyholders in workers’ comp related legal matters
Unique expertise in Louisiana workers’ comp law, regardless of the magnitude and complexity of the dispute
LWCC has specialized attorneys that handle subrogation and Second Injury Fund
Expertise in Longshore, Maritime Subrogation, Employers Liability defense
Return to Work Program
Vocational rehabilitation specialists help injured workers get back to work
Provides on-site job analysis through our WorkAction return-to-work program
Manages lost work days using OMNET®, a network of providers who share our return-to-work philosophy
Catastrophic Claims Management
Specialized services for catastrophic claims
Staff on call 24 hours a day
A claims representative for face-to-face meetings with you, the medical team, the injured workers, and family members