Initiative Spotlight

LWCC Speaker Series: Unleashing the Power of Purpose with Ranjay Gulati

Renowned business expert Ranjay Gulati captivated LWCC employees, agents, and community leaders with his compelling exploration of the role of purpose in sustaining organizational success. His presentation shed light on how purpose drives direction, motivation, and relationships, highlighting its crucial role in modern business.

May 23, 2023

Event Recap

On May 23, 2023, LWCC welcomed renowned Harvard Business School professor and author Ranjay Gulati to present a thought-provoking session to employees, agent partners, policyholders, and local business leaders. Drawing from his extensive research on leadership and purpose-driven organizations, Gulati shared compelling insights into how businesses of all sizes can harness the power of purpose to sustain growth and success. He emphasized the importance of aligning an organization’s goals with a clear purpose, which serves as a guiding force for decision-making, employee motivation, and fostering trust with consumers.

Preserving the Passion of Small Business

Gulati's interest in the role of purpose at the organizational level was initially sparked by his exploration of small companies that have experienced rapid growth. His research revealed a common sentiment among their founders. As these companies expanded, they often lamented the loss of the intimate "family spirit" and the unyielding passion that characterized their early days. In short, they were missing their purpose, the ambition that comes to smaller businesses when they believe they are working towards something big. While Ranjay had long focused on the “what” and “how” behind businesses, he had rarely given a thought to the “why,” until these targeted conversations and astute observations revealed to him that the “why” just may be the most critical element of all.

The Role of Purpose-Driven Business

In today's business landscape, much like Gulati’s research, purpose has become increasingly emphasized, with a remarkable shift observed across organizations of all sizes and industries. A mere glance at a standard company website is evidence enough that the way we think of and speak about our organizations has changed significantly. According to Gulati, only about 15% of companies used website space to discuss their purpose a decade ago. Today, an impressive 85% proudly highlight their mission and values. Statistical evidence further confirms the advantages of purpose-driven companies, showing that they consistently outperform their non-purpose-driven counterparts, especially during challenging economic downturns. These organizations have even been shown to be more trustworthy in the minds of consumers.

The Organizational impact of Purpose

While it was clear that the role of purpose had a meteoric rise, Gulati strove to understand its benefits. What exactly did businesses stand to gain from identifying, communicating, and pursuing a purpose? The answer, according to his in-depth analysis, comes down to three fundamental elements:


‍Purpose provides direction, bringing clarity amidst turbulent marketing conditions and enabling focused decision-making. If a business is a ship lost at sea, its purpose is the lighthouse in the harbor.


Purpose unlocks the productivity and inspiration of employees. It’s called “discretionary effort,” and it’s what employees can tap into when they are finding meaning and a sense of impact in their work. Studies indicate that the discretionary effort that comes from employees inspired by purpose allows them to be more than twice as productive as their merely satisfied counterparts.


Outside of business walls, purpose also has a positive impact on consumers, suppliers, and ecosystem partners. Organizations who are driven by purpose foster greater trust and confidence than those lacking purpose, and all their relationships, both internal and external, are better for it.

Beyond Mission Statements: Embedding Purpose in Organizational DNA

As he concluded his presentation, Gulati underscored that purpose extends far beyond a mere mission statement. It requires a concerted effort to integrate it into the very DNA of an organization. Aligning the entire workforce with a shared purpose necessitates more than just words on paper—it demands authentic buy-in and a deep-seated belief in the mission's significance.

By embracing purpose as a directional compass, motivational catalyst, and relational cornerstone, companies can unlock their true potential and foster a better world around them. At LWCC, we operate with a purpose of helping Louisiana thrive, a vision of being a catalyst to elevate Louisiana’s position in America, and a mission to better Louisiana one business and one worker at a time. By bringing the incredible message and insights of speakers like Ranjay Gulati to the Foster Learning Center, we hope to drive our own initiatives forward by helping others do the same.

“Purpose is a unifying idea of the problems you want to profitably solve. It’s about the value you want to create."

Ranjay Gulati

Harvard Business School Professor, Author, and Business Expert


Unleash the power or purpose.

A lasting impact on Louisiana

Deep purpose companies energize their organization by inspiring employees and fostering greater loyalty and trust with customers and partners. Purpose is a compass with which they navigate the inevitable tradeoffs across stakeholders more deliberately and effectively and balance their short and long-term goals. Ultimately, a deeper engagement with purpose holds the key not merely to the well-being of individual companies, but also to humanity’s future.  Take a look at Ranjay’s 3 steps to creating and sustaining deep purpose.

1. Define your company's purpose

Create a concise, compelling, and authentic narrative about your organization’s purpose.

2. Allow purpose to guide decision making

Let purpose drive strategy, including marketing and branding, hiring, and onboarding.

3. Ensure long-term sustainability

Stay inspired and measure purpose-related enablers or inputs of purpose, not just results.

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